Star so light, star so bright

First star I see tonight




What is it that I like about beat up guys? I can’t figure it out too. At some point or the other, these pictures have all been my Iphone wallpapers. Damn.


Sweet dreams mankind ❤ All my love.

From the city lights and sounds, deep into the dark


I sit down here. I think in my head of the people that mean so much to me. I see my dreams and my goals. I affirm my love, my ambitions to myself. I breathe, feel myself staying alive. And I raise my hands up to pray. 



Last Friday Night

Yeah we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot


We Are Young followed soon after

Updated picture:

Girls 🙂

Hey. You made my heart melt.

Thanks, I needed that. 🙂

Hey. You made m…

You know what I don’t ever get sick of?

Mars bars + Coffee/Soya bean.



And a crucial point is that the coffee/soya bean has to be chilled, it can’t be warm. I ate this combination almost everyday for breakfast in hall during exam period. There was a time when I used to eat Mars bars all the time when I was in primary school till I couldn’t even bare to look at that black and red wrapper without nausea. Now I’m back on that crack!!!

I just had myself a Mars bar last night with those Starbucks-frappes-in-a-bottle you get in 7-11. And had em this morning too, feels soooo good. Try it. Seriously. Fucking try it.


Mars bars cheesecake. Nuff said. Might just marry you if you make this.

My face. Before / During / After I eat a Mars bar + coffee/soya bean combination.

happy friday y’all ❤ eat some chocolate!

Last night was interestinggg

Epic night. As usual. This time with all the mamas, sitting on a bridge. 



A sticky situation

Have you had those days when life takes whatever it gets on hand and throws it at you? I’m getting hit right left and centre here. I have entered this void of confusion where I try to make things a little better but my efforts are futile, worthless.

I do my best to heal ailing, expectation-filled friendships/relationships. I get a kick in the stomach from ‘nothing lasts forever’. Thrown down the wretched hole of confusion and self-doubt. Dramatic, yes, but my mind’s a right mess now. It’s those days when you feel you’re giving but you’re. fucking. not. getting. any. back.

I will get over this shit. I will wave at you from the finish line. 🙂 Writing these words is a little, tiny step in another direction.

I copied this quote from my old blog, I still can relate to it after almost 2 years. Still loving Coupland. I could use some ‘still’ in my life right about now.

Speed Racer, my friend, never ever let people know what you want. Because if you do, you might as well send them engraved invitations saying, “Hi, this is what I want you to prevent me from ever having”

I am not bitter.’

-Gum Thief, Douglas Coupland

That reminds me, I need good books in my life again.

Happy Monday y’all!

Surprisingly, something touching from 9gag

Surprisingly, something touching from 9gag

Move along kittens and teenage humour, I found something that made me stop and Ctrl+S this into my pictures. I have major respect for this beautiful couple here.

It reminded me of my dad, last week, he quietly mentioned how he feels so lucky to have married my mother. ‘Unknowingly or knowingly, she had changed me.’

Familiar, no? 🙂 My beautiful parents ❤

My dad used to ride a motorbike recklessly (still gangsta driving sometimes though), has a tattoo, smoke, drink heavily, steal stuff, jump off ships, well, basically, party hard. That changed when he got married. My parents inspire me and I’m thankful for them everyday, till the day I die.


From one my favourite party tumblrs, On days, I don’t want to get up off my ass and get ready, I need to turn on my party playlist and scroll through, I’d be up on my feet before you can say pitbull 🙂

That was pretty much my Friday night. I had a good time. I feel calm nowadays. I sit back and I figure my life out as best as I can. I meet people, I experience stuff, it feels so good to be alive.


My party princess, I love her!

And you know what’s the best thing? No regrets.

When a moment where I think I fucked that up and I fucked this up, I stop and think that past is gone, I’m going to do something else now. I did my best. That’s enough for me.

And I’m done judging others. DONE. If people want to judge me, fine.

If anyone is reading this and you feel like the world wants you to fail, stay strong, you’re perfect, 2 deep breaths, and all my love…

Yours truly,



A pseudo-introspective/meaningful photo that I actually like… seconds after this, I took part in some pollination and blew that all over the clouds at Genting 🙂
